Friday, August 1, 2014

Lesson 2 : Features of Angular JS

* Before going to the develop the code, please try to understand like Model, View ,    
  Controller, Directives, scope, Services. People who are aware about Knockout,    
  Backbone, and node.js, it is very easy to learn and develop the code.

Key points: 
Model : It is a Javascript Object

View : It is the HTML, and suited for UI design. It is based on DOM Objects

Controller : Its responsible to construct MODEL (Javascript object), and Connect it to view (HTML, UI Design)

Directives : It indicates a postion for DOM elements (like, attributes , CSS, name of the element) that tell AngularJS's HTML compiler ($compile) to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element. 

Let me explain in detail, Directives can be attributes, tags or even class names. here <div mahesh></div>. I have added new attribute called Mahesh, This is called directive,we can change the behaviour of particular div adding/changing the custom attribute .

Scope : The job of the Scope is to detect changes to model objects.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mahesh, this blog is so helpful to me to do learning Angular Js
